Gospel Words
A Deadly Deed
Saving a President
The Death Zone
An Anchor of the Soul
Afraid Twice
Two Ways
Withering Grass & Fading Flowers
A Spider's Web
The Voice of the Son of God
The Full Assurance of Hope
A Sinner's Prayer
A Present & Personal Saviour
The Great Supper
Judgment is Coming
A Closed Heart
"Iceberg Right Ahead!"
The Lamb of God
Truth & Certainty
'Then the King Will Say'
The Testimony of the Chief of Sinners
The Testimony of the Lord's Prisoner
The Power of Christ
The Good Shepherd
'Wonderful Words of Life'
Finding Wisdom
The Unchanging Person of Jesus Christ
Bible Answers
Remembering Our Creator
Was the Cross Necessary?
What is God Like?
Does the Resurrection Matter?
What's in a Name?
Why Must We be Saved?
"Who Art Thou, Lord?"
"The Unknown God" - Just Who is He?
"What is Truth?"
"Holy, Holy, Holy"
Knowing God
A Conversion Story
The Gospel according to Jonah
"Jesus of Nazareth, a Man Approved of God"
The Saviour of the World
A Chosen Vessel
Who is Jesus?
God's Mercy & Judgment
Does What I Think about the Son of God Matter?
'How Shall we Escape if we Neglect so Great Salvation'?
What is Life Really All About?
The Rock of Ages
Easter Messages
The Sufferings of Christ - Part 1
The Sufferings of Christ - Part 2
The Resurrection of Christ
Zion's King & God's Lamb
Christmas Messages
Joseph, Mary & the Birth of Jesus
"A Savior who is Christ the Lord"
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Covenant Promises & the Birth of Christ
Timeless Truths
Timeless Truths 1
Timeless Truths 2
Timeless Truths 3
Timeless Truths 4
Timeless Truths 5
Timeless Truths 6
Timeless Truths 7
Expository Messages
Topical Messages
Spiritual Warfare
Psalms 84-88
Psalm 84 - The Courts of the LORD
Psalm 85 - 'Revive us Again'
Psalm 86 - Calling upon God in the Day of Trouble
Psalm 87 - The Glory of Zion, 'City of God'
Psalm 88 - Hands Stretched out in Grief
Minor Prophets - Study Notes by Gary Woods
The Twelve Minor Prophets - An Overview
Hosea P1
Hosea P2
Joel P1
Joel P2
Amos P1
Amos P2
Habakkuk P1
Habakkuk P2
The Post-Captivity Prophets - An Introduction
Zechariah P1
Zechariah P2
The Lord's Upper Room Ministry
John 13:1-3 - The Omniscient Christ
John 13:4-17 - The Foot Washing Ministry of the Perfect Servant
John 13:18-38 - The Son of Man Glorified
John 14:1-3 - The Father's House P1
John 14:4-7 - The Father's House P2
John 14:8-14 - The Father's Visibility
John 14:15-26 - The Father's Gift
John 14:27-31 - The Father's Primacy
John 17 - The Lord's Intercessory Prayer
Excursus: The Passover & the Last Supper
Romans - An Introduction
Romans - An Outline
Romans 1:1-7 - Paul's Salutation
Romans 1:8-17 - Visiting Rome & Gospel Debt
Romans 1:18-32 - Wrath Revealed & Why
Romans 2 - An Introduction to a Difficult Chapter
Romans 2:1-5 - The Hypocrisy of the Self-righteous P1
Romans 2:6-11 - The Hypocrisy of the Self-righteous P2
Romans 2:12-16 - The Hypocrisy of the Self-righteous P3
Romans 2:17-29 - The Guilt of the Self-confident
Romans 3:1-20 - 'All the World Guilty'
Romans 3:21-24 - The Heart of the Gospel P1
Romans 3:25a - The Heart of the Gospel P2
Romans 3:25b-31 - The Heart of the Gospel P3
Romans 7 - An Introduction
Romans 7 - A New Relationship vs 1-6
Romans 7:7-25 - 'Plotting the Course'
Romans 7:7-13 - The Power & Deceitful Character of Sin Exposed by the Law
Romans 7:14-25 - The Power & Debilitating Effect of Sin Demonstrated by the Law
1 Corinthians
1 Corinthians 1:10-4:21 - Worldly Wisdom
Gospel Words
A Deadly Deed
Saving a President
The Death Zone
An Anchor of the Soul
Afraid Twice
Two Ways
Withering Grass & Fading Flowers
A Spider's Web
The Voice of the Son of God
The Full Assurance of Hope
A Sinner's Prayer
A Present & Personal Saviour
The Great Supper
Judgment is Coming
A Closed Heart
"Iceberg Right Ahead!"
The Lamb of God
Truth & Certainty
'Then the King Will Say'
The Testimony of the Chief of Sinners
The Testimony of the Lord's Prisoner
The Power of Christ
The Good Shepherd
'Wonderful Words of Life'
Finding Wisdom
The Unchanging Person of Jesus Christ
Bible Answers
Remembering Our Creator
Was the Cross Necessary?
What is God Like?
Does the Resurrection Matter?
What's in a Name?
Why Must We be Saved?
"Who Art Thou, Lord?"
"The Unknown God" - Just Who is He?
"What is Truth?"
"Holy, Holy, Holy"
Knowing God
A Conversion Story
The Gospel according to Jonah
"Jesus of Nazareth, a Man Approved of God"
The Saviour of the World
A Chosen Vessel
Who is Jesus?
God's Mercy & Judgment
Does What I Think about the Son of God Matter?
'How Shall we Escape if we Neglect so Great Salvation'?
What is Life Really All About?
The Rock of Ages
Easter Messages
The Sufferings of Christ - Part 1
The Sufferings of Christ - Part 2
The Resurrection of Christ
Zion's King & God's Lamb
Christmas Messages
Joseph, Mary & the Birth of Jesus
"A Savior who is Christ the Lord"
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Covenant Promises & the Birth of Christ
Timeless Truths
Timeless Truths 1
Timeless Truths 2
Timeless Truths 3
Timeless Truths 4
Timeless Truths 5
Timeless Truths 6
Timeless Truths 7
Expository Messages
Topical Messages
Spiritual Warfare
Psalms 84-88
Psalm 84 - The Courts of the LORD
Psalm 85 - 'Revive us Again'
Psalm 86 - Calling upon God in the Day of Trouble
Psalm 87 - The Glory of Zion, 'City of God'
Psalm 88 - Hands Stretched out in Grief
Minor Prophets - Study Notes by Gary Woods
The Twelve Minor Prophets - An Overview
Hosea P1
Hosea P2
Joel P1
Joel P2
Amos P1
Amos P2
Habakkuk P1
Habakkuk P2
The Post-Captivity Prophets - An Introduction
Zechariah P1
Zechariah P2
The Lord's Upper Room Ministry
John 13:1-3 - The Omniscient Christ
John 13:4-17 - The Foot Washing Ministry of the Perfect Servant
John 13:18-38 - The Son of Man Glorified
John 14:1-3 - The Father's House P1
John 14:4-7 - The Father's House P2
John 14:8-14 - The Father's Visibility
John 14:15-26 - The Father's Gift
John 14:27-31 - The Father's Primacy
John 17 - The Lord's Intercessory Prayer
Excursus: The Passover & the Last Supper
Romans - An Introduction
Romans - An Outline
Romans 1:1-7 - Paul's Salutation
Romans 1:8-17 - Visiting Rome & Gospel Debt
Romans 1:18-32 - Wrath Revealed & Why
Romans 2 - An Introduction to a Difficult Chapter
Romans 2:1-5 - The Hypocrisy of the Self-righteous P1
Romans 2:6-11 - The Hypocrisy of the Self-righteous P2
Romans 2:12-16 - The Hypocrisy of the Self-righteous P3
Romans 2:17-29 - The Guilt of the Self-confident
Romans 3:1-20 - 'All the World Guilty'
Romans 3:21-24 - The Heart of the Gospel P1
Romans 3:25a - The Heart of the Gospel P2
Romans 3:25b-31 - The Heart of the Gospel P3
Romans 7 - An Introduction
Romans 7 - A New Relationship vs 1-6
Romans 7:7-25 - 'Plotting the Course'
Romans 7:7-13 - The Power & Deceitful Character of Sin Exposed by the Law
Romans 7:14-25 - The Power & Debilitating Effect of Sin Demonstrated by the Law
1 Corinthians
1 Corinthians 1:10-4:21 - Worldly Wisdom